Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Cleansing a House of Unwanted Spirits

Every culture over every time period has stories of the spirits that roam the earth. This constant in human civilization leaves no room for doubt on the presence of spirits of the dead coming back to the human plane as an ethereal existence. According to all the stories, folklore, and witness testimonies, the world is full of spirits. Their method of interacting with the human world differs from spirit to spirit as well as their intentions though. Some are evil. Some are benign. Some are indifferent. However, the manifestation of a spirit who wishes to do harm to the living or is intentionally being a bother to living humans does happen from time to time. At the worst it can lead to outrageous fear and trouble and at the least annoyance to the humans the spirit chooses to haunt. Here is a list on how to get rid of any negative spirits that you wish would leave you alone.

Holy Water

The idea of using blessed water is a very old belief. Water is thought to be one of the neutral elements which can act as a transitory plane or a barrier. Its ability to cleanse and wash off anything that sullies the body in addition to its necessity for all living creatures makes most cultures believe in the sacredness of water in general. If you add the consecrated quality that is innate to water to a divine blessing of sorts, no matter what religion you prefer, you will create a naturally powerful element which will protect you against all types of evil spirits. Once you have your water blessed by the religious official of your choice, merely wet your fingers with the water then spread it across the top part of all the thresholds of the haunted room—doorways and windows. The barrier created by the blessed water should keep out the evil spirits at each of the room’s entryways.

Banishing Ritual

The idea of a banishing ritual is seen throughout history and across the globe. Any culture that has a strong belief in malicious spirits and their ability to interact and affect the living has a type of banishing ritual. However, modern Western culture has designated most banishing rituals as a pagan custom. Spells that banish can vary greatly even from person to person. Yet, they can be relatively simple. The easiest way is to write down the problem on a piece of paper, being as concise and specific as possible. After focusing deeply on the problem written on the paper, you must burn it. Most people prefer to burn using a white candle or by lighting the paper and placing it in a white bowl to allow it to burn in a controlled setting.

Dear God, Virgin Mary, Jesus and Archangel Michael, Banish all evil and negative energies and spirits from this home, and Bless this home with your pure White Light of Love and your Pure White Light of Protection. Amen.


I banish all negative energies from this house with the energy of love and light.

Protection Herbs

The mystical use of herbs in certain settings and for certain reasons has been used for centuries. During the Elizabethan era of Tudor England, it was common place to use herbs rather than flowers during ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, or elevations of status to bless the special occasion. However, the meanings and specialized uses for particular herbs varies over the entire world and over time. To suggest for helpful herbs though, here are some useful herbs from different cultures from history to try out on your malevolent ghost. Even though most people think garlic is merely for vampires, it is actually a protective herb for all evil spirits. All you need is a single clove (not a giant bulb) placed at points of entry that need protection, doorways as well as windows. If you are the particular subject of the spirit’s actions instead of just the room, feel free to keep a clove in your pocket. A bag of protection can also be made from herbs that will be helpful. A small amount of cinnamon, five-finger grass, ague weed, and sage in a pouch that you place at thresholds or carry with you will most certainly protect from evil spirits. Sage in general is renowned for its ability to cleanse any malicious presences. Merely burning sage in a doorway and windows of the haunted room are thought to provide a very strong barrier for particular evil spirits while allowing good spirits to pass.

Counting Remedy

Many people feel that spirits, particularly evil spirits, must perform certain tasks when they are faced with them. One of these tasks to be performed by ghosts is the activity of counting individual grains. The type of grains—seeds, sand, beans, or rice—are generally not what is important. The number of the multiple particles is what you really want to bring attention to. It is said that the spirit is forced to pause and count the grains of the spilled substance. Having a great many of them in one space and the inability to pick them up as they go, the spirit gets frustrated with having to start over and over again and will soon give up and leave your house all together to haunt someone who does not require them to count meaningless molecules. Merely spill the grains of your choice in the haunted room every night and clean up in the morning. Tales indicate it should take less than a week to get rid of a spirit this way. If you don’t like the idea of having to clean every morning though, keeping the grains in a clear vial or tube that you hang in a doorway or window is thought to be just as useful.


Salt is very prevalent in folk remedies. It is thought to have the same purifying and cleansing properties as water. Just like water, some people prefer to have it blessed before they use it. Once blessed, or even not, make a line of the salt at the threshold of your door and windows. The salt on the floor or ledge of these entryways will keep any spirit from entering your room. If you perform this act at entries of the entire house, the whole residence is assumed to be protected from entering spirits—whether they are vindictive or neutral. Sea salt is the favored type even though table salt can work on its own.


Since the majority of spirits that haunt the realm of the living used to be humans themselves, they are probably haunting for a reason. While it may seem silly, acting as a type of counselor to this evil spirit can put the ghost at ease and allow them to pass on to another plane of existence or at least to a state of peaceful being so that they do not wish to bother the living anymore. This can be achieved several ways. Straight forward meditation then asking your questions allowed is the simplest way to speak to a spirit. If you use this method, you’ll probably want to stick to “yes” or “no” questions so that the spirit can answer easily. Ouija boards can be used to talk to the spirit as long as you specific that you are requesting the spirit who is haunting you. You must specify you are asking for the bothersome spirit or you may end up solving a problem for the wrong spirit or calling an additional bad spirit into your home. Ouija boards must be used with care.


Use white candles because they represent enlighten and will draw in those from the light and they will aid in your prayers to rid of the negativity in your home.  While lighting the candle make sure that you state the reason why you are doing this, to rid of evil entities, or negative energies and saying your prayer, those of the light will respond and help you.


The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who are in heaven, Hallowed by thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.


The prayer that you use will be up to you and what religion background you are from.



Regarding the smudge ceremony, remember that no matter the details of your actions, God knows what you are trying to do, and in the end you can't do it wrong, there is no wrong, God and the master spirit guides in the world unseen will understand your actions and bless your efforts. Well first of all I use sage or sage with sweetgrass. I pick a time when I'm not likely to be interrupted, and also pick some appropriate music to play , some new age instrumental stuff. Not important if it's not possible.

Then I say a prayer asking God and my spirit guides to be with me and guide my actions. Personally I use the Light Invocation by Dael Walker and repeat it three times as he suggested.

I invoke the light of the God within I am a clear and perfect channel Light is my guide.

The smudge stick is sometimes hard to keep smoldering so when you first light it, blow out the flame after it gets going and then blow into the smoldering embers to really let it take hold or else it might burn out. If it does burn out, just re-light it again and keep going. After I get the stick smoldering, I ask the smoke be blessed and that it will trap any and all negative entities and energies. The first thing I smudge is myself starting with the bottoms of my feet and then working the smoke up around my body and around my head and crown chakra. After that is done I start at a doorway and direct the smoke completely around the door frame, you will repeat this in every room starting at the entry doorway to each room and the front and back or side doors to the apartment or house.

After the doorways just go around the room to the four corners and then down the middle with a circular motion. Don't forget to open closet doors and drawers to chests and cabinets also before you begin. The mental image is as if you were about to fumigate the property for bugs, the idea is to let the smudge smoke get into and around everything within the home or office. Instead of getting rid of bugs , you are getting rid of negative entities and energies. When you have completed every room, then say another prayer, thanking God and your spirit guides for help and blessings asking that all the smoke carry away all negative entities and energies out away from your home or office. Open as many windows and doors as is practical to allow the smoke to be purged from the interior and fresh air and chi to flow back into your living or work space. The idea is the smoke traps the unwanted stuff and then you let it out through the windows and open doors.

I always burn some good smelling incense at the beginning of the ceremony to help cover the pot-like smelling sage. If possible I also light a few candles and create a makeshift altar with the candles and a few crystals of whatever you might have before I begin, to help act as center place for my prayers and smudge lighting. To help direct the smoke into drawers and closets, you can either use a feather if you have one or just use your hand in a fanning motion. One other practical matter, sometimes smoldering pieces of ash from the sage or string the binds the sage will tend to drop to the floor so to prevent burn spots on your floor, it might be best to try and use a paper plate or something to catch the ash during the smudging.

Another alternative to a smudge stick bundle would be to burn loose sage in a dish or bowl which would prevent the smoldering ash problem. This ceremony does tend to drain the person doing it, so allow so rest time for afterward. You may notice the difference of energy right away or especially the next day, as will visitors to your home or work space.

One last item, should you have any crystals or rocks in your space, you may want to raise their vibration after the smudging by ringing a bell, or ringing a brass bowl near where they sit. Finally put out the smudge and after closing the windows and doors sit down and relax for a while and begin to enjoy your cleansed environment. You might want to redo the smudge ceremony at least every 6 months , or more often if you feel the need. You might want to try and time the smudging to a new moon or at the change of seasons.

Remember God and your spirit guides understand what you are trying to do, so THERE IS NO WRONG WAY to do it. You may want to include some of your favorite readings, or do this with a loved one. Basically that's it, good luck and be well.

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